
Beyond Financial Literacy

SquareOne is an app crafted by Kiwi dads, Jamie Jermain and Jovan Pavlicevic, to assist kids in understanding the relationship between earning and spending money – and the importance of saving it.

What motivated you to create SquareOne?

Jovan: Jamie and I were disappointed with the lack of tools to teach our kids how to manage money in a digital world. Our kids were watching us tap our ‘magic cards’ to buy things but couldn’t quite make sense of what was going into it.

We built SquareOne to give kids the kickstart we wish we had when learning about money and move the conversation from just being financially literate to actually understanding what being good with money means!


Tell us about SquareOne, its features, and what sets it apart?

Jamie: SquareOne is an app, bank account. and debit card for kids to manage their own money and give them the simple tools to learn healthy lifelong habits. Parents can set up paid chores, and kids can set their own saving goals and work towards big-ticket purchases.

We built SquareOne with safety and security top-of-mind. Parents have total control and oversight of their kid’s account with real-time notifications, the ability to block the card or certain transactions and auto blocks on R18 merchants and cash withdrawals. We also understand that no two parenting styles are the same so we give parents the control to set up their family account, their way.


How does SquareOne instil these skills without making it feel like a lesson?

Jovan: The app encourages families to talk about what being great with money means and gives them all the tools to learn, make mistakes and practise making money. It needs to go beyond just theory. The analogy we use time and time again is learning to play rugby: you’ve got to understand the rules and tactics, but unless you get out there, you’ll never improve.

The app seems like a great way for families to bond over learning about finances?

Jamie: The reaction to SquareOne has been unbelievable. Parents and kids all over New Zealand have taken to it so well, and they’re loving it.

We’ve got over 170,000 Kiwis using SquareOne and we’re consistently blown away by the amazing stories we hear from parents about what their kids are doing with the app. So far this year we’ve had 737,206 jobs completed in the SquareOne app, and over $1.8 million earned in extra pocket money!

The best bit is, that SquareOne kids are saving about 22% of their earnings! Something we adults could learn a thing or two from!

To sign up to SquareOne

Simply search SquareOne on either the App Store or Google Play from your mobile device. Your first 30 days are free and then it’s only $4.99 for the whole family per month so try it out and see if it’s right for you and your family!