tweakment clinic 42

Tweak Your Way To Natural Beauty

By Clinic 42

Tweak your way to natural beauty.

Clinic 42 - Tweakment

During the last several years, a slow-burning revolt has emerged, challenging the unrealistic and exaggerated beauty standards relentlessly promoted by celebrities and their social media. The trend has seen followers morph into facsimiles of their favourite stars using extreme volumes of injectables. Finally, a return to achievable, natural beauty is back in, and fixed, expressionless faces are out!

The doctors at Clinic 42 have always preferred subtle, beautifying micro-treatments that enhance natural features and they believe tweakments are the antidote to an appearance medicine world, gone mad.

‘Tweakment’ was coined by marrying the idea of a tweak and a treatment and is a great starting point for the ‘injectable-curious’ or for those wanting to treat or improve one specific area of concern. With thoughtful assessment and strategically placed injectables applied with a skilled hand, you can achieve profound results without a full-face transformation – and still look like you!

One of the most popular tweakments at Clinic 42 addresses the glabella, or 11s – that furrow between the eyebrows. Some patients just want to break the habit of making this expression, while others want to soften these irksome worry lines to create a happier, more approachable look.  

The lip flip is another quick, yet effective tweakment, attractive for those desiring a plumper pout without committing to lip filler. You can produce a subtle yet noticeably fuller effect by creating a small eversion or slight turn out of the lip, using small amounts of botulinum toxin. Another beloved lip tweakment places dermal filler along the border of the upper lip line to bring sharper definition to the lips, accentuate the cupid’s bow, and reduce fine lines.

If you’re looking to slim down the lower half of your face, or have jaw pain from clenching, then masseter treatment may be for you. This tweakment reduces the size and strength of the jaw muscles (masseters), resulting in a slimmer jawline to help patients achieve the coveted ‘oval face shape’, drawing attention to the cheekbones and eyes. It is also highly beneficial for those wanting to ease the symptoms and pain associated with teeth grinding and TMJ disorder.

Dark circles under your eyes? A little tweakment of dermal filler can help! Specific placement of dermal filler in the tear troughs can alleviate sunken eyes and dark circles for a more refreshed appearance.

Tweakments are very challenging for even the most experienced practitioner. A fine line is navigated to deliver a fantastic result for patients while using undetectable techniques and methods, so people won’t notice what you’ve had done. Practitioners also need to draw on experience and knowledge to choose the most appropriate product and technique to give you a bespoke treatment suited to your specific needs and desired results. 

True beauty is looking naturally beautiful while maintaining your own unique and authentic likeness. A tweakment here, a tweakment there, and you’ll be looking at a new and improved, naturally gorgeous you!


If you are interested in finding out more about any of the Tweakments offered at Clinic 42 you can visit their website clinic42.co.nz. or call on 09 638 4242 to book a consultation.