
Companion Planting | Kings Plant Barn

companion planting

Companion planting is where different plants are beneficial to each other when planted together. This can include driving away pests, improving flavours and encouraging beneficial insects for better pollination.



Since spring is tomato planting season, here are a few companion plants that will help them along the way. Basil is known to help improve the flavour of the tomato fruit if planted nearby, as well as repelling small flying insects. Leeks and carrots will also benefit each other’s company by keeping away pest insects.

Been having some trouble with aphids? Plant garlic around the base of roses to help ward them off.



Plant hyssop around brassicas such as cauliflower, kale, and cabbage to help deter white butterflies from laying. Sage is known to keep away aphids and is great when planted close to a celery crop. Aromatic herbs such as rosemary, dill and mint again keep certain pests away from the veggie garden.



Marigolds are well known to ward off aphids and attract hoverflies, which are predatory insects that attack pests. Plant borage near the garden and strawberries to attract bees to help aid pollination. Nasturtiums are a good ‘trap’ or sacrificial crop, meaning they attract pest insects away from your other main crops. They work well for aphids, caterpillars and whitefly.


Don’t forget

After planting your companion plants, don’t forget to water them deeply and mulch in anticipation of the summer’s heat. Liquid fertilise once a month to keep them strong and healthy.

Get in touch with your local Kings store on 0800 PLANTS.

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