smith architects

Creating Inspiration

Smith Architects

The project brief for Saint Kentigern Preschool, Remuera was to create a unique early childhood centre that would inspire children to develop confidence and humility through a sense of community.

A detailed site analysis looked at possible locations for the building within the school. Access and car parking requirements indicated the optimal location, further reinforced by the extensive bush-lined outlook on three sides.

Studies looked at built form options, taking into account all the site constraints. The main drivers to the form were retaining the mature trees and bush, protecting neighbours from direct playground noise, balancing ground contours and solar access/shading. Two options were narrowed down for further development, with the final circular form being chosen for its merits in answering the brief and the site constraints.

“A unique early childhood centre to inspire children to develop confidence & humility through a sense of community.”

Whilst the initial form was largely driven by the site and programme, the development of the form into an architectural language looked at the history and culture of Saint Kentigern for inspiration.


Smith Architects |  Crafting Beautiful Human Spaces
15 Hargreaves St, St Marys Bay, Auckland
09 522 2552

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smith architects
smith architects