White Spa & Float Lounge

Floating | White Spa & Float Lounge

Three of the Verve team experience Floatation Therapy for the first time at White Spa + Float Lounge and share their experiences.


Memories of a Mauritian beach, fluorescent sands that glittered in the moonlight, floating in warm nighttime salty waters cocooned in deepest darkness. Leonardo’s Vitruvian Man – maybe this is how I look, but I can’t see myself so I am not sure; my mother, my brother, my father, my best friend, do they hang out with each other up there somewhere, unfettered by time?


In normal life, an hour disappears in a flash. But with only thoughts to stream, and nothing else to do but to soak and relax – time stretched – and took on an unusually luxurious and languid quality. 


Eventually my mind quietened and I felt myself slipping into the land of snooze – hard to believe that one can sleep when suspended in a tank of salty water – but after 30 minutes or so of floating I had become so relaxed even I was not surprised.


After my wonderful, extraordinary and interesting float experience at White Spa, I felt so rested and relaxed. Thank you White Spa, for a beautiful experience.  I will be back.


I was welcomed into White Spa like an old friend, ushered through their reception and sat in their delightful waiting area with  huge windows looking out onto a garden – a wonderful start to my float tank experience.

I have to admit I was slightly nervous as I sometimes feel a little claustrophobic. I admitted to this to the staff who suggested I place a towel in between the door opening so there was a little light coming in.  I did this and felt totally secure. During my time in the tank I took the towel away – and didn’t feel at all claustrophobic.

It was a magical time and one that makes one think about so many aspects of life, even though I am sure you are not meant to have a busy mind during this experience. But, I loved it — I floated, I thought, I dreamed, I sung. 

That evening every muscle in my body was relaxed.  I felt so chilled and couldn’t wait to go to bed as I knew I was going to have an amazing sleep!   


I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect when I slowly eased myself into the float tank but was immediately struck by the sensations in my muscles and body.


I’m not a professional athlete or sports person, but I do spend a fair amount of time being active which often leaves my body feeling worn out, stiff and sore. I also know that when I get stressed I immediately tense up around my neck and shoulders. As soon as I was immersed in the 500kg of Epsom salts, it was like a gentle tingling sensation through these areas – like they were slowly letting go.


Floatation therapy had a profound effect on my whole body, I didn’t realise everything could feel so loose and free! Floating is definitely my newest obsession.

09376969 | 0276259693 | 2/182 Jervois Rd, Herne Bay | whitespa.co.nz