Kāryn Taylor

Fuzzy Logic | Kāryn Taylor

In her large-scale installations and self-illuminating wall-based sculptures, Nelson-based artist Kāryn Taylor manipulates light, form and shadow to challenge perception.


Her practice is informed by geometric abstraction and quantum physics, with Kāryn interested in the idea that we are twisting reality on a moment-by-moment basis. Are we creating our world by consciousness alone, as quantum physics seems to suggest? If we know that everything is made up of energy and a lot of empty space, why or how are objects so convincingly solid?


To Kāryn, geometric abstraction is a language that has the ability to express complicated non-sensical ideas in a more logical way. She feels that geometry, along with colour, has a strong and clear energy structure, a kind of embedded coding that the viewer can pick up on at some level. 

Kāryn Taylor

In her practice Kāryn produces self-illuminating light boxes, shadow boxes and multi-dimensional installations and drawings. The light boxes are intense in colour with their glowing lines of light defying logic. They are analogue, glowing without power. Their illumination is striking, convincing many that there must be some kind of hidden mechanism or light source. The shadow boxes are more subtle and ephemeral; they use shades of grey to elicit three dimensional geometric forms. The installations and drawings are made up of painted lines, steel rods and animated projection, combining moving and static lines in an attempt to push the work beyond three dimensions.

Kāryn Taylor

See her latest exhibition, Fuzzy Logic, on now at Jhana Millers Gallery Wellington, till Saturday 13 August.

All images courtesy of Jhana Millers Gallery.