
Health, Healing & Hope in the Dark Days of Delta

Some thirty-eight years ago my mum was told she had no more than six months to live, I was seven, my brother was nine. In actuality, my beautiful mum died three years ago leaving behind two adult children and five grandchildren. Of course, for those of us who loved her, her death at the relatively young age of sixty-seven was heart-breaking, but the gift of those thirty-five years is not lost on any of us as by the power of some unknown force she was able to flow her way back into life, freeing herself from that untimely death-sentence.


To say my mum’s story has impacted my life would be an understatement. As a teenager, I was enthralled by the magic of her tale: how was it possible that with an aggressive cancer eating her uterus at frightening speed, she was one day able to turn up for a scan to find it gone without trace? What science could explain that? Or, what religion?


 This mystery and my ongoing inquiry into it has been a defining force of my life since, such that when my own day of reckoning came in the form of sudden onset epilepsy in my early thirties and an expanding cyst on my pineal gland, I was able to navigate my return to full, seizure-free health, without the help of the many drugs I was prescribed, and in the face of considerable pressure by the medical providers responsible for my care to follow convention.

New Science, New Hope

These types of healings are not as rare as you might think, nor these days for many scientists, are the mechanics of them considered to be quite as mysterious as they sound. Ever since the Quantum Physicists discovered that behind the smallest subatomic particle there is in fact nothing solid at all, only energy, and that energy changes its behaviour according to whether it is being observed or not- it has been known, perhaps uncomfortably so- that the mind of the observer has something to do with the manifestation of reality, and that reality can in fact be considered more malleable (holographic even), in nature, than the Newtonian model of science that we are all very familiar with, would have us believe.


One branch of this ‘new science’ as relates to health and wellbeing, arose from the pioneering research of Microbiologist-turned-world-famous thought-leader, Dr Bruce Lipton. After spending some forty years cloning stem cells, Lipton made the ground-breaking discovery that contrary to popular belief, we are not victims of our genes, but that our genes are switched on or off by environmental factors outside of the cell- including, most significantly- our thoughts and feelings. In other words, we have the ability to control our health from within, if we can begin to observe and alter the subconscious beliefs that are running the show.


In his best-selling books The Biology of Belief and Spontaneous Evolution, Lipton explains the science behind the human capacity to heal or undermine our own health through the quality and focus of our conscious attention, and the process by which we may change our brain neurology to change our life experiences- for better or for worse. 


To illustrate this point simply, he cites a study in which a group of Japanese children who were believed to be allergic to a poison-ivy-type of plant had their forearms rubbed with a solution containing the plant. Then rubbed on the other forearm as a control, was a solution from a similar-looking leaf which would not cause a rash. As expected almost all of the children broke out in a rash on the arm with the toxic leaf with no response to the imposter one. What the children didn’t know is that the solutions had been purposefully mislabelled and the rashes were manifested from the benign solution through fearful thoughts and negative belief alone (p.25).


In Lipton’s words: “While most of us are aware of the healing influences of the placebo effect, few are aware of its evil twin the nocebo effect. Just as surely as positive thoughts can heal- negative thoughtsincluding the belief we are susceptible to an illness or have been exposed to a toxic conditioncan actually manifest the undesired realties of those thoughts” (Lipton and Bhaerman, 2011, p. 25). Enter the pivotal role of positive thinking and the importance of living in peaceful, calm, stress-free, emotional states.

Not Just A Nice Idea

Another pioneer in this emerging field, Dr Joe Dispenza, has taken Lipton’s theories and applied them to potent effect proving without a shadow of a doubt that mind can affect matter in miraculous, spontaneous and dramatic ways- and moreover, that it can be trained and controlled to do so. As a doctor of Chiropractic with his spine broken in several places, Dispenza resisted the dangerous surgery offered him and checked himself out of hospital in a wheelchair. Guidedby one idea that “the power that made the body heals the body” (Dispenza, Youtube 2019), he resolved to walk again by committing himself to exploring the power of the mind to heal. Over time he began to notice that by fixing his mind and emotional state on the reconstruction of each vertebra and imagining a future in which he would be able to do all the things he once loved again, physical changes in his body began to take hold. Within twelve weeks of mastering his process, against all odds and expectation- he not only stood up and walked again – but returned to full mobility and physical health.


What is more significant is that he went on to research, measure and replicate the techniques that he had learned on his healing journey. What he has achieved that no one before him has, is a formula, delivered through meditation and mental mastery, in which the subject is able to access a state of altered consciousness to rewire the brain to bring about sudden and drastic improvements in health. Dispenza is virtually single-handedly directing a human transformation movement that has already had a positive impact on millions- in which people are coming to understand that it’s our unconscious stories and beliefs that create our reality and by accessing and overwriting our neurology with new positive imprints anchored in positive, optimistic, love-based feeling states, we can heal our bodies and our lives. 


There are now literally thousands of reported cases of spontaneous remissions and physical healings that have been attributed to Dr Joe’s work- everything from terminal cancer, to Motor Neuron Disease to blindness. Normal people, bringing their lives back from the brink using a now tried-and-tested formula in the miraculous. As he puts it: “Repeatedly we have made scientific history… through our work we have created a formula which shows how we can induce, predict and replicate certain states, and that once learned these states can be applied to greater and greater depths of human potential.” (online at www.joedispenza.com).

What Possibilities for Humanity?

Since their ground-breaking research that has flipped the understanding of human biology on its head, Lipton and Dispenza and many others like them have been working tirelessly to bring the world’s attention to new possibilities for human health and wellbeing implicit in these discoveries. By explaining and proving that our ability to live vibrant healthy lives lies far more in our own hands (or minds and hearts as it happens), than we have been taught, has huge implications for a world in the grip of a pandemic in which fear is the common denominator, and all our hopes for salvation appear to rest in solutions that lie outside of ourselves. 


Both experts have made several appeals through podcasts and interviews since the virus first appeared, attempting to make widespread the knowledge that fear of the virus including expectations of how it manifests and might behave- is the real enemy of human health and wellbeing right now. Not least because fear down-regulates our immune function and makes us behave in all kinds of anti- health, anti-life ways- including disrupting our connection with one another and sense of social safety, both of which are critical for human health and survival.

The Science of Hope

But of course the good news is what we have here is the science of hope and limitless human potential. A new frontier which once embraced puts the individual back in the driving seat of their own life- granting each of us the power to change everything on the outside through mastery over the inside; no doubt a skill the great gurus, mystics, shamans and indigenous communities have known intuitively all along. And we are just at the beginning of our human journey with this science.


What is so brilliant about this new science is that you don’t need to visit any medical expert to begin practising it, and you don’t need any authority outside of yourself to learn it. Studies have shown that simple mental reprogramming techniques such as daily meditation, mindfulness or a focus of gratitude can be enough to begin to bring about the shift in your mental health in which your immune system has greater capacity to handle the trials and stresses of daily living and offer buffer from serious ill health of all kinds. And that is just entrylevel transformation, before you even begin to access the greatest possibilities for your life!

Writing A New Script

To loop all this back to my personal tale and corroborate the science- the unlikely gift that caused my mum to overwrite her fate, came in the form of my absent father. One day she phoned him to explain her dire circumstance and ask that he get ready to look after us; he said he could not. As legend has it this rejection of us saved her life: in that moment she overwrote the prognosis of death with the sheer force of motherly love- simply refusing to entertain the idea of leaving her two children to a life with no parent.


She could not die, she decided- so she focused instead on living- and life is what she got.


 It turns out my mum was a pioneer in a field of science she did not understand- and through her epic survival tale and the science I found to explain it, she passed to me a blessing so great that I may be one of the few who can remain peaceful, optimistic and calm in the face of a tricky virus. I’m not saying I don’t and won’t get sick. I’m not saying I don’t and never will take medication. But life laid out a trail for me and in my unravelling of its mystery, I have acquired first-hand experience that tells me without a shadow of a doubt that we are far more powerful than we have yet to truly discover. And as such, I believe the next frontier for human evolution almost certainly lies within our own bodies not in solutions outside of ourselves- and the best way to access that power is through love, laughter and relentless commitment to believing in a brighter day.

Find out more at: www.louisadellabarca.com




  • Lipton, B. & Bhaerman, S. (2011); Spontaneous Evolution, London, Hay House
  • Dispenza, J; www.joedispenza.com
  • https://drjoedispenza.com/pages/scientific-research (accessed on 9/9/2021)
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgY4gHt_sOs (accessed on 13/09/2021)