Photo by Luke Foley-Martin

Morning Rituals with Karen Walker | Working from Home Edition

We all have our own morning rituals and ways of doing things but do they change somewhat during lockdown? In this edition of Morning Rituals, Karen Walker gives us an insight into her daily routine.


You’re working from home, do you set an alarm or wake up naturally?

My routine whilst working from home is no different to when I’m heading into the office each day. Monday to Friday I have bedtime mode on my phone so I wake up to birdsong (virtual and real) at 6.30am.


Photo by Luke Foley-Martin
Do you have any beauty or skincare products that you keep on your bedside table?

Osmosis lip balm and Aēsop hand cream.


Do you have any morning rituals?

On an ideal day I meditate before opening my eyes in the morning (and journal before closing them at night). I like to get half an hour on my yoga mat before leaving my bedroom and usually my morning cup of tea is accompanied by catching up on my various games on Words with Friends.


Do you check your phone as soon as you wake up, or do you try to limit the amount of screen time in the morning?

First thing in the morning I check it for the time only and to turn on my meditation app. I don’t look at it for other things until I’m up and the bed’s made.


Photo by Luke Foley-Martin
You’re making Breakfast at home, what are you making?

Storm and India Imperial Earl Grey tea.


Working from home, do you try to exercise, or skip it?

On a perfect day one hour of yoga before going downstairs in the morning and in the evening at least a half-hour dog walk or run.


Briefly walk us through how you prep your skin in the morning. Do you wash, moisturise and tone your face? Which products do you use?

All of that. I’ve used Osmosis for everything for about a decade and I especially love their Deep Clean, Catalyst Serum, Quench Moisturiser and Boost Activating Mist.  I also love their masks, especially the Polish Enzyme Firming Mask. And, of course, sunblock, also, Osmosis.


What are the most important lessons you have learned throughout your skincare journey? Any dos and don’ts?

A good skincare routine and avoid direct sun, no matter how good it feels at the time. For avoiding direct sun, of course, a great sunblock and a large-brimmed hat, but I do also have a preference for a paper parasol.


If you’re not wearing makeup, do you still follow a morning skincare routine?



Photo by Luke Foley-Martin
If you’re Working from home, do you wear makeup or give your skin a break?

I wear minimal makeup and, even if I’m working from home, I’ll put a little something on. Not necessarily full lippy look but certainly a bit of something on the skin, brows and lashes.


Do you prefer a matte or a dewy finish to your makeup? How do you achieve this?

Somewhere in the middle. Not full-powdery, but also not shiny or wet looking.


If you’re working from home, do you prefer a designated desk space?

I have a study at home and that’s a dedicated workspace. As a general rule I don’t take my work anywhere else in the house. I find this is helpful to my ability to keep work and home separated and a healthy discipline in both areas.


Is there anything else you would like to add?

I find that, for me, if I don’t wake up on time that it throws my whole day off so I really try to stick with my bedtime and wakeup time. Also, one of my best skincare tips is inversions – anything where the head’s below the heart is good for warding off wrinkles and sagging. For me, as a 20-plus year yogi, one of my favourites is the forearm stand and I do three of these a day. But there are dozens of different inversions in the yogi’s repertoire, not all as intense as the forearm or handstand. Inversions are also excellent for warding off high blood pressure which is another bonus.


Karen Walker is now open online and is selling winter essentials, to view more visit karenwalker.com