
Varicose Vein Treatments | Skin Institute

Skin Institute provide the latest in varicose vein treatments, no GP referral and no surgical stripping required — just a walk-in and walk-out procedure.

Understanding our veins

Veins return blood to the heart. In the legs, there are two systems, the important deep veins that carry 90% of the blood back to the heart and the superficial system, which can be seen as an accessory system. There are one-way valves in the veins which keeps the blood flowing from the legs back to the heart against gravity. Varicose veins occur when the valves in the superficial veins fail. Blood then travels back down into these veins and their branches.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are caused when the valves fail in the superficial veins. Blood then back-flows and pools in the veins. The pooling blood causes the veins to distend, swell and stretch causing further valve failure in the veins below. This can result in progression to visible and palpable varicose veins. Varicose veins can appear beneath the skin as bluish green lines and can be visibly raised, twisted or bulging, but sometimes they may not be seen or bulging, yet can still cause significant symptoms.

Some symptoms include:

• Discomfort and pain (usually worse as the day progresses and into the evening)
• Itchiness associated with dry skin
• A burning sensation
• Restless legs at night
• Cramping of the calves or feet
• Swelling of the ankles
• Changes in skin quality
• Brown-black skin discolouration
• Varicose eczema around the ankles and ulceration

Varicose veins treatment options

It is now recommended that patients do not have surgical stripping to treat their varicose veins. International guidelines for the treatment of varicose veins recommend the non-surgical techniques of radio frequency ablation (RFA) and/or ultrasound guided sclerotherapy (UGS). These modern walk in and walk out procedures are done under local anaesthetic, are well-proven and have excellent outcomes, without the risk of a general anaesthetic.


If you’ve been experiencing itchy, cramping or aching legs, it could be your veins. The symptoms aren’t always visible, but if left untreated, varicose veins usually deteriorate. Colder months are the best time to treat your veins as you will need to wear compression stockings post-treatment.


Come and see the team at Skin Institute, without needing a GP referral, we conduct an initial consultation with one of our highly experienced team which includes an ultrasound map of your veins to determine if treatment is required and the best procedure for your condition.

Book a free veins assessment with Skin Institute today. Call 0800 SKIN DR (754 637) or visit skininstitute.co.nz