
We sit down with Tanya Burrage of Dream Au Pair

We chat with Tanya Burrage of Dream Au Pair, a New Zealand au pair agency that provides Kiwi families with wonderful childcare service. We find out how the lockdown is affecting her business, and also some essentials that are making the lockdown that little bit easier for Tanya and her family.


What’s changed about your business?

New Zealand’s childcare market changed overnight. Au pairs left on emergency flights and financial uncertainty for families has resulted in large numbers of nannies being made redundant.


Do you see yourself coming out of this with a better idea of changes you wish to make to your business?

Absolutely, Dream has always been an innovative company and now more than ever we are looking at new ways to do things and develop new opportunities – watch this space!


Any special plans for the weekend?

Spending time with Steve and the kids – most likely walks along Kohi beach and table tennis competitions.


How are you handling all this extra time at home?

I’m working 7am to 9pm every day, so no spare time at all.


Soundtrack of choice while working at home?

The Bird and the Bee – so grateful lockdown is in summer.


What’s for breakfast?

Poached eggs on Vogel’s.


Where do you get your news from?

Online, TV 3, friends and family and Mark Richardson.



Walk the dog or downward dog?

Am walking the dog daily, as well as family fitness sessions. My stepson is a Les Mills fitness instructor so lots of lunges, push ups and laughter from the kids at Steve and I attempting back-to-back squats.



Working at home – what’s for lunch?

The kids have all discovered baking so lots of yummy treats every day that are hard to say ‘no’ to. So, daily trips to the local dairy to by seriously expensive flour.



Lockdown larder essentials you can’t do without?

Blue brie, wine, gin, wine, gin…


A glass of something – most memorable / old favourite / keeps you sane?

Malfy Blood Orange gin and tonic with frozen blueberries – delish!


Evening beauty or betterment routine?

Facemasks and manicures with my 17-year-old daughter, Isabel.



Your look for working at home, what do you like to wear to get into the mood?

Leading through this crisis means leading by example.  Dressing every morning just as though I am going to the office – perfume included!



Least favourite thing about working from home?

Most favourite thing is no travel time!



Anything else you would like to add?

We all need to reinvent our businesses, look for opportunities and recognise silver linings.  Please, take care of your loved ones, tell them daily how proud you are and how much they mean to you. We will survive Covid-19 and come through it stronger than ever.


To learn more about Dream Au Pair please visit dreamaupair.co.nz