
What’s the market doing?

Up Real

As we enter the new year we do so with a view to an ‘orange’ Covid-19 environment and with it an easing of restrictions and the hope of a fast return to ‘green’!


2021 ended with interest rates firming and inventory levels of available homes on the increase. As we look towards 2022, we do so with more homes listed than normal.


It will be interesting to see if this plays out as a more balanced market i.e. supply/demand. 


With banks taking an increasingly more cautious approach to lending and buyers more circumspect, we may see more conservative gains over the next period, than over the last year or two. 


The potential upside offsets include buyer demand from offshore – returning Kiwis as the borders open up, a continuing relatively low interest rate environment and the consistent demand for prime property and preferred school zones. 

Call me anytime!

Jo Johnstone
021 411 107