Rawhiti Estate
Rawhiti Estate

Covid-19 Lockdown Creates Demand at Rawhiti Estate

Rawhiti Estate, the boutique retirement village in the heart of Remuera, reports a marked increase in enquiry for accommodation because of the Coronavirus lockdowns.


As Rawhiti general manager, Helen Martelli reports: “I think a lot of older people, who were living by themselves, never felt more alone or lonely than during those long weeks of the first lockdown. Since then, we are seeing a lot of interest in living in our village, where you are never short of company.”


In fact, Rawhiti is filling fast, as explained by head of sales, Angus McPhee: “All of our one-bedroom Care Suites are taken, all the three-bedroom Independent Living apartments are occupied, as are all our Dementia units. We have some two-bedroom Independent Living apartments available although even two of those are close to being sold.”


Rawhiti enhanced its reputation during lockdown as a place that offers the best in care for its residents, whilst at the same time respecting people’s right to live the life they want to live.


Inside Rawhiti Estate
Inside Rawhiti Estate

During lockdown, the residents could still use a lot of the Rawhiti amenities, including the library and lounges, and the restaurant.


Visitors had to be limited but the residents all coped remarkably well. A lifetime of experiences had prepared them well for a global pandemic.


As one of the residents was quoted as saying: “When you have lived through a depression and a world war, and lost a husband in battle, you can cope with a virus.”


So life went on, pretty much as usual.


“Freedom of spirit, and freedom every day, that’s what we strive for,” adds Helen.


09 522 7001