self love article

Self Love

Indulge in a little ‘me time’ with these self love offerings around Auckland this month.

Nordic Walkers

Nordic Kiwi – Nordic Walking

Nordic Walking is a fitness activity which uses specifically designed poles to enhance and intensify the natural way of walking.  It’s essential to learn the correct technique, as the well-performed Nordic Walking action incorporates the upper body, improves posture and engages 90% of muscles, giving a ‘total body workout’.

Dr Libby

Dr Libby, Live Event

Whether you’re struggling with sub-par health, or feeling the weight of life’s many challenges, both physical health and emotional wellbeing can be impacted when we’re feeling worn down and unwell.  In her brand-new live event, Bouncing Back, Dr Libby shares ways to unravel your weariness and shed new light on niggly health issues, so you can bounce back to living life with a renewed sense of energy and vitality. 

Wednesday, 25 October at Ellerslie Event Centre
Tickets from drlibby.com