
Why Do We Keep Falling For Fad Diets?

The truth is that people want to lose weight quickly, in the shortest time possible. We live in a society that is wired to demand instant gratification and instant results. However, if a miracle cure sounds like it’s too good to be true, it probably is. The common reasons that people go on diets include losing weight, physical conditions such as sport, health reasons, form of control, or a pressure to attain a certain body image.


The yo-yo effect means that most forms of quick fix diets can cause short term weight loss and immediate weight gain afterward. The desire for fast results in a short period of time, can often result in deprivation in one’s diet with low-calorie diets such as juice fasts, and soup-only diets. There is also an excess of advertisements of diets which promise that you will lose ‘X’ amount of kilos in ‘X’ amount of days. The issue here is that every person’s body is different, and will require different amounts of exercise and foods for energy. 


The common thought is that in order to lose weight, we need to eat less and exercise more. This can often cause fad diets to feed and profit off of the state of restricting oneself in how much they eat in the short term to lose weight, but then gain the weight back as quickly. Fad diets are often a programme  you’re supposed to follow for just a few weeks. However, nutrition experts insist that the right approach to weight loss is to change your lifestyle for the long term.


Signs of Fad Diets
  • Doesn’t include all healthy food elements and nutrients.
  • Claims that you will lose weight very fast in an unrealistically short time.
  • Recommends cutting calories and some foods drastically.
  • Makes you think that you can lose weight without exercising.
  • Makes you completely cut carbs, fat and/or sugar.
  • Requires you to skip meals, or replace them with special meals.


Fad diets that tell you to cut out carbohydrates may result in quick weight loss at the beginning, but that’s because cutting back on carbs causes your body to purge stored water. Once you start eating carbs again, the water weight comes back. It’s fat you want to lose, not water, and definitely not lean muscle tissue, which your body will start to metabolise if don’t eat enough. Yet, research shows that dieting for weight loss is not effective in the long term, and may actually be associated with weight regain.


Change your focus to improving your health with exercise. Most importantly, before jumping into a fad diet it’s essential to know that rapid weight loss is not sustainable. Diets that claim you don’t have to exercise are not the best for your overall health. In fad diets, strict restriction is a large sign. Our body reacts to workouts and diets differently, so what works for others may not work for you. 


A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet requires a well-balanced lifestyle. Exercise is a very crucial part of your daily life. In order to maintain a healthy body and healthy heart, it’s important to have some form of regular exercise. There are healthier ways to maintain a healthy weight, rather than resorting to fad diets that are not effective for the long-term. Remember that a good diet is one that is sustainable for the long haul. It takes time to lose weight and allow your body to adjust.


Other important steps include eating breakfast every day, and eating a variety of foods to ensure that you are getting all of your daily nutrients. Be aware of the types of fat you consume. Try to eat healthy fats instead of opting for a strict low-fat diet. Consume less foods that are high in sugar, as high-sugar foods often are high in calories and low in nutrients. They also can lead to inflammation in your body. Limit liquid calories by avoiding soda and alcohol. Choose whole fruits instead of juice, and make sure to drink plenty of water every day. Be sure to get enough hours of sleep for your body to rest. A healthy lifestyle that you stick to consistently is important in order to function at your best state in the long term.