
Looking at Lawn Alternatives

King's Plant Barn

Low maintenance and suited to different growing conditions, lawn alternatives are a great way of filling in your yard, especially if you have struggled with growing a traditional lawn in the past. Here are our top eight lawn alternatives.

Baby’s Tear

Best for shaded areas with bright, indirect light. Plant in moist soil and let it spread over areas that get little foot traffic.


This succulent groundcover has long-lasting flowers and spreads over dry exposed soil and is hardy to coastal areas.


A popular soft groundcover. Plant the green variety in the shade and under trees, and the silver in parts of the yard that get full sun. Plant as seeds, seedlings or full-grown plants. Water as you would a lawn for best results. 


Hard-wearing, dry tolerant and happy in coastal conditions. This groundcover’s silver foliage will spread over hot banks and exposed soil, blooming in summer with an array of colourful flowers.

Japanese Garden

Mondo Grass

Fast-establishing, it is perfect for shaded areas that gets little direct sun. They look fantastic in between stepping stones or garden tiles and will fill any gaps once they have become established.


A groundcover herb that loves the heat, plant thyme in areas that needs some greenery that doesn’t necessarily need to be grass. Plant on the side or the middle strip of driveways, and on slopes.

Acaena Purpurea

A groundcover that is best planted under trees, the Acaena purpurea adds beautiful purple hues to your garden, as well as being easy care.

Other Alternatives

Japanese-style stone gardens accompanied by moss and grasses, an extra veggie garden or three, herbs in pots or a dry-tolerant/cacti garden are all great alternative options.